Mastering the Art of Eyelash Care: Tips, Tricks, and Must-Have Products

Eyelash Care Tips

Not long ago, many of us believed eyelash care was all about swiping on some mascara, perhaps a little curling, and calling it a day. The thicker and longer the mascara promised to make our lashes, the quicker we added it to our shopping carts, right? We pinned our dreams on that magical tube, hoping it held the secret to those sultry, sweeping lashes we see in magazines. 

But as we’ve grown, evolved, and learned more about genuine care, it’s become clear that lush lashes are nurtured from the roots up. It’s not just about a momentary lift or color—it’s about truly understanding what our lashes need, feeding them right, and protecting them from daily stresses. 

So, what is this art and science of true eyelash care?

The Eyelash Life Cycle

You’ve probably heard of hair growth cycles for the hair on your head, but did you know your eyelashes follow a similar rhythm? Understanding the eyelash life cycle can be a game-changer for your eyelash care journey.

Anagen (Growth Phase): This is where the magic starts. During this phase, your lashes are actively growing, and it can last between 30 to 45 days. Most of your lashes, about 40%, are in this phase at any given time. The length of this phase plays a significant role in how long your lashes can grow. Just think of it as laying the foundation for those lush lashes you’re aiming for.

Catagen (Transition Phase): Now, imagine your eyelashes taking a brief pause. They’ve stopped growing, and they’re now chilling for the next 14-21 days. This is a crucial time; any trauma (like aggressive rubbing) can cause a lash to fall out, and unfortunately, it won’t grow back until the next growth cycle.

Telogen (Resting Phase): Lastly, your lashes enter the chill zone. They rest, they rejuvenate, and after a couple of months, they naturally shed to make way for new ones. This shedding is entirely normal, so don’t panic if you spot a lash or two on your cheek or pillow.

Key Factors Influencing Eyelash Growth

Your eyelashes aren’t just influenced by the mascara or serums you put on them. There’s a lot happening behind the scenes, and sometimes, understanding these factors can help steer your eyelash care in the right direction.

lash care tips


Just like the color of your eyes or the texture of your hair, genetics plays a role in the length, volume, and growth rate of your lashes. However, even if long lashes don’t run in your family, there’s still hope. With the right care and patience, you can maximize what nature gave you.


As we grow older, hair growth—including that of our eyelashes—can slow down. But age is just a number, especially when you’re equipped with the best eyelash care tips and tools.


Fluctuations in hormonal levels, especially during events like pregnancy or menopause, can impact eyelash growth. Being aware of these changes can help you adjust your eyelash care routine accordingly.

Diet and Nutrition: 

What you eat affects more than just your waistline. Nutrients like biotin, proteins, and omega fatty acids can play a pivotal role in nurturing healthier, more robust lashes. It’s like giving your lashes a delicious meal every single day.

Essential Eyelash Care Tips

When it comes to taking care of your lashes, it’s often the little things that make the most significant difference. These essential tips might seem simple, but they pack a punch in ensuring the health and vitality of your eyelashes.

Gentle Handling: 

Your eyelashes are delicate. Always treat them with a gentle touch. Whether you’re applying mascara, using an eyelash curler, or taking off makeup, a soft hand ensures minimal damage and breakage.

Proper Makeup Removal: 

You wouldn’t go to bed without taking off your shoes, so why leave makeup on your lashes? Each night, use a gentle, oil-free makeup remover to clean away any mascara or eyeliner. Not only does this prevent breakage, but it also ensures your lash follicles remain unclogged, promoting healthier growth.

Hydrate and Nourish: 

Just like your skin loves a good moisturizer, your lashes thrive when they’re hydrated. Natural oils, such as castor or coconut oil, can be applied with a clean mascara wand to keep them nourished and shiny. These oils also often contain fatty acids, which can promote lash growth.

Break from Mascara: 

Occasionally, give your lashes a break from heavy mascaras, especially waterproof ones. These can dry and make your lashes brittle. A day or two without mascara lets your lashes breathe and rejuvenate.

Clean Your Eyelash Tools: 

Just as you’d clean your makeup brushes, your eyelash curlers and mascara wands need regular cleaning. This not only prevents bacterial buildup but also ensures an even and smooth application.

Products for Eyelash Care 

While a mascara wand might be a girl’s best friend, there are other game-changing products that can seriously up your eyelash care game.

Eyelash Serums: Not all serums are made of dreams and lofty promises. Some are packed with peptides and biotin that truly support lash growth and strength. When choosing a serum, look for proven ingredients and, if possible, opt for ones without irritants or harsh chemicals.

Lash-boosting Mascara: If you’re keen on getting volume and length, look for mascaras that have lash-loving ingredients. Keratin, panthenol, and natural waxes can enhance while they beautify.

Growth Boosters: There are specific products designed to accelerate the growth phase of your lashes. While they might not work overnight, with consistent use, you might just see that added length and volume you crave.

Protective Treatments: Think of these as conditioners for your lashes. They can be applied before mascara to give an added layer of protection or worn alone on no-makeup days to provide a subtle shine and boost health.

Crafting the Perfect Eyelash Care Routine

While products can be a valuable tool in your eyelash care arsenal, the real magic happens when they’re paired with a dedicated and informed care routine. Here’s a step-by-step guide to creating an eyelash care routine that works:

Morning Lash Care Routine:

Conditioning: Start with a lash conditioner or serum. This preps your lashes, giving them a protective barrier and offering nutrients for growth.

Curling: If you’re curling your lashes, ensure your curler is clean and not damaged. A gentle clamp at the base, followed by another mid-lash, can give a natural, lasting curl.

Mascara Application: Opt for a mascara that supports lash health. Wiggle the wand at the base of your lashes to give volume, and pull through to the tips for length.

Throughout the Day:

Avoid Rubbing: Keep those hands away! Rubbing can not only damage your lashes but also introduce dirt and bacteria, which could lead to infections.

Stay Hydrated: Drinking water benefits your entire body, including your lashes. Well-hydrated lashes are less likely to become brittle and break.

Nightly Wind-down:

Gentle Makeup Removal: Using an oil-free makeup remover, gently clean away mascara and eyeliner. This step ensures your lash follicles remain unclogged, promoting healthier growth.

Nourishing Oils: Apply a thin layer of nourishing oil (like castor or coconut) to hydrate and promote growth. Make sure it’s pure and free from additives.

Lash Massage: A gentle massage along the eyelids can increase blood flow, nourish hair follicles, and potentially promote lash growth. Using the pads of your fingers, gently press and massage your lids for a minute or two.

Special Treatments and Considerations

Sometimes, our lashes need a little extra love. Whether it’s addressing a specific concern or giving them a boost, here are some special treatments and considerations to be aware of:

Lash Lifts: Offering a semi-permanent curl, lash lifts can give you curled lashes for weeks. Ensure you go to a reputable professional and follow aftercare instructions closely.

Eyelash Extensions: For many, these are a game-changer, delivering instant volume and length without daily mascara use. However, as they say, with great lashes come great responsibilities. The quality of the adhesive is paramount; it should always be hypoallergenic to minimize allergic reactions.

eyelash extensions

An expert application is essential, but if you’re curious about going the solo route, be extremely cautious with the DIY eyelash extensions application and removal process. Mistakes can lead to damage or lash loss.

After getting your extensions, proper aftercare is crucial. Avoid water and oil-based products near your eyes for the initial period, as these can weaken the adhesive. And remember, while they might feel sturdy, resist the temptation to tug or pull at your extensions.

Dietary Supplements: Biotin, Omega-3s, and Vitamin E are known to support hair health, including lashes. If considering supplements, always consult with a healthcare professional first.

Allergies and Sensitivities: If you find your lashes thinning or notice irritation, it could be an allergic reaction to a product. Always conduct patch tests with new products, and if irritation occurs, discontinue use and consult a dermatologist.


Eyelash care begins with recognizing that every eyelash has its own lifecycle, much like the hair on our head. This means treating them with tenderness, even when we’re in a rush. It’s also about making informed choices—choosing serums that nourish, not just promise quick fixes, and understanding that sometimes, our lashes need a break from heavy makeup.

But more than products, it’s about the daily habits we might not even realize are causing harm. Think sleeping with mascara on or rubbing our eyes a tad too aggressively. True eyelash care is being proactive, understanding potential pitfalls, and creating an environment where our lashes can thrive.