The Ultimate Guide to Pigeon Control: 8 Tips and Techniques That Work


When you walk through the bustling city streets or relax in your neighborhood park, one common sight you’re bound to encounter is a group of pigeons pecking away at stray crumbs, their soft coos serving as a soundtrack to urban life. 

These birds, with their gleaming feathers and plump bodies, have become such an integral part of our cityscapes that we barely give them a second thought. But, if we dig a little deeper, we find that the seemingly innocent and peaceful pigeon activity hides a significant issue that needs our attention – pigeon control.

You might be asking yourself, “Why pigeon control? They’re just birds, right?” Well, yes, pigeons are indeed birds. But they’re birds that can bring with them a range of health risks and property damage, not to mention the noise and mess they often make in populated areas. Add to that their remarkable reproduction rates, and we’re looking at a situation that demands a solution. 

But worry not; you’re in the right place. We’re about to delve into pigeon control, understand why it’s important, how it impacts our lives, and practical pigeon control strategies.

Understanding Pigeons for Effective Pigeon Control

You may already know pigeons. After all, they’re nearly as familiar to us as our domestic pets. But to truly understand these birds, we must analyze their behaviors and habits – knowledge that forms the backbone of effective pigeon control.

First, pigeons aren’t native city dwellers. Believe it or not, these birds you see flocking around skyscrapers and city parks have their roots in the wild cliff-dwelling species of Europe, North Africa, and South Asia. They only started nesting in our cities because the high-rise buildings and bridges closely resemble their natural cliff habitats. This is the first hint at why pigeons are so prevalent in urban environments.

In terms of their diet, pigeons are granivores, meaning they primarily eat seeds and grains. However, being highly adaptable birds, they’ve learned to thrive on the food scraps that people often leave behind. This adaptive behavior is another reason for their abundant presence in urban areas, where food scraps are plentiful.

Pigeons are also social animals and live in groups called flocks that contain anywhere from 20 to several hundred pigeons. This flocking behavior not only makes them more noticeable in urban spaces but also contributes to the nuisance factor when large numbers gather in a small area.

pigeon control methods

One factor that often surprises people is the breeding capabilities of pigeons. A pair of pigeons can have up to 6 broods per year under optimal conditions, which means that a small pigeon problem can quickly become a big pigeon problem if left unchecked.

Understanding these habits and behaviors is crucial in developing effective pigeon control strategies. 

Impacts of Pigeons on Health and Property

At first glance, pigeons might seem harmless. However, without effective pigeon control, these birds can pose considerable health risks and inflict property damage, warranting our attention and action.

Health Risks

The health risks associated with pigeons primarily come from their droppings. In fact, the danger is significant enough to consider them as flying health hazards, and here’s why:

Pigeon droppings can carry a host of diseases, such as histoplasmosis, cryptococcosis, and psittacosis. These diseases can affect humans, causing symptoms ranging from mild flu-like conditions to severe respiratory illnesses. And it’s not just direct contact with the droppings that can cause problems. Dried droppings can release fungal spores into the air, leading to respiratory issues when inhaled.

Also, it’s not only the droppings. Pigeons also host ectoparasites like mites, ticks, and fleas, which may transfer onto humans, causing additional health concerns. With this in mind, effective pigeon control becomes not only a matter of comfort or aesthetics but public health.

Property Damage and Pigeon Control

On the property side, the impact of uncontrolled pigeon populations can be quite profound. The most immediate and visible form of property damage caused by pigeons is the soiling of buildings, statues, cars, and outdoor furniture with their droppings. This isn’t just unsightly; pigeon droppings are acidic and can corrode and degrade various materials over time, including metal and stone.

Their nesting materials can also block drains and gutters, leading to water damage. And if pigeons nest in ventilation systems or chimneys, they can create a fire hazard. Pigeons have also been known to cause damage to machinery, HVAC systems, and roofs, leading to expensive repairs.

Effective Pigeon Control Methods to Consider

Having understood the potential health risks and property damage associated with their uncontrolled pigeon populations, we arrive at the crux of our discussion – how to control pigeons effectively. And rest assured; there’s a multitude of ways to implement pigeon control, ranging from preventive measures to professional help.

Preventative Pigeon Control Solutions

Keeping Your Property Clean

Maintaining cleanliness can go a long way in deterring pigeons. These birds are often attracted to easily accessible food sources and discarded food or garbage can be a feast for them. By keeping your surroundings clean and food waste properly disposed of, you reduce the food source for pigeons, making your property less attractive to them.

Sealing Potential Nesting Sites

Pigeons prefer ledges, rooftops, and other architectural features for nesting since they provide the perfect conditions for building their nests. If you can identify these spots on your property, installing barriers or screens, bird spikes, using bird netting, or other exclusion devices can effectively prevent them from settling in these areas. 

Natural Pigeon Control Deterrents

While there are various strategies to deter pigeons, some of the most effective solutions are those that make use of the elements found in nature itself. Here are some of the ways to get rid of pigeons naturally: 

Landscaping with Pigeon-Resistant Plants

One way to deter pigeons from your property is to include certain plant species in your landscaping plan that pigeons find unappealing. Some plants, due to their texture, smell, or taste, can deter pigeons. Examples include the common rue, lavender, or the curry plant. Not only do these plants add to the aesthetic appeal of your garden, but they also serve as a natural pigeon deterrent.

common rue for pigeon control

Employing Predator Decoys

Pigeons, like many other birds, have a natural fear of predators. You can use this instinct to your advantage by strategically placing decoys of birds of prey, such as owls and hawks, around your property. The sight of these decoys keeps pigeons from venturing too close, effectively reducing their presence in your area. 

Modern Pigeon Control Methods

Birth Control

Did you know there’s a birth control method for pigeons? Yes, you read that right! Using bird-specific birth control products such as OvoControl is an increasingly popular method of managing pigeon populations, especially in larger cities or urban environments.

So, what exactly is OvoControl? It’s a specially formulated, ready-to-use bait that acts as a contraceptive when consumed by pigeons. This innovative product contains nicarbazin as an active ingredient, which disrupts egg development and prevents pigeon eggs from hatching successfully.

This approach allows for the humane and gradual reduction of pigeon populations without causing harm to the birds or the surrounding ecosystem. Quite fascinating, isn’t it? However, remember that consistency is key here. A regular feeding program is essential to achieve noticeable results.

Eco-Friendly Chemical Deterrents

What comes to your mind when you hear “chemical deterrents”? You probably think of harsh or harmful substances. But in modern pigeon control, chemical deterrents offer a different story altogether.

These innovative products, including sprays, gels, or foams, provide a practical and humane solution to pigeon control. Instead of using toxic chemicals, these deterrents create an uncomfortable environment for pigeons without causing harm to them or the surrounding ecosystem.

pigeon on rooftop

You can apply them on ledges, rooftops, or other areas where pigeons gather to make the surfaces sticky and uninviting. This will effectively discourage pigeons from roosting in those spots.

Electronic Deterrents

Imagine a device that could sense a pigeon’s presence and respond by playing sounds that send them flying away. Sounds like a scene from a sci-fi movie, right? 

Electronic deterrents use motion sensors to detect when birds are near. Once the sensor is triggered, the device emits a variety of sounds designed to frighten the pigeons. This can range from the calls of predatory birds, like hawks or falcons, to distress signals from other pigeons.

What makes this method even more fascinating is its adaptability. You can install electronic deterrents almost anywhere – rooftops, ledges, car parks, or any pigeon-frequented areas. Plus, there are solar-powered alternatives, meaning they’re eco-friendly and low maintenance.

Professional Pigeon Control Services

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, pigeon control can become a challenging task. That’s where professional control services come into play. These experts have the knowledge, experience, and specialized tools to effectively manage pigeon-related issues.

When to call a pigeon control professional?

If your pigeon problem is extensive, persistent, or poses a threat to public health and safety, it’s time to consider reaching out to a professional. These situations may include large-scale infestations, extensive property damage, or complicated nesting and roosting sites that are difficult to access.

The experts will conduct a thorough inspection to assess the extent of the infestation, identify key problem areas, and determine the most appropriate control methods.

Selecting the right pigeon control service is also important for effective and ethical pigeon management. Consider factors such as the company’s reputation, experience, expertise, and methods employed. Look for professionals who prioritize humane practices and offer long-term solutions rather than temporary fixes.


Effective pigeon control is crucial for maintaining a healthy and harmonious environment in our urban spaces. We have explored a range of methods, both natural and modern, to deter pigeons from our properties. However, we must prioritize humane practices in our pursuit of pigeon control. By embracing methods such as bird birth control, promoting the presence of natural predators, and using non-toxic deterrents, we can achieve effective control while respecting the well-being of these feathered creatures.