What Does a Wild Boar Sound Like? The Different Wild Boar Sounds

wild boar sounds

There are many wild boar sounds you will hear when hunting for hogs. They range from grunts, squeals, and growls. 

A wild boar grunt is a sign of their personality and its welfare status. Based on new research, the grunts are a way to convey information between the same species and other animals. 

Wild boars are social animals and tend to live and feed in large groups we call sounders. Most of the herd members comprise of piglets and females. However, a dominant male is always around. So, let’s check out what sounds wild boars make.

Wild Boar Calling Sounds and Their Meanings

Studies show that wild boars have varied meanings for each sound that they make. It can be distinct or passive, depending on the situation. They use the sounds to communicate aggression, emotions, finding mates, or distress calls, among other reasons. 

Common wild boar sounds include:


Most times, when a boar growls is a sign of aggression, and you should be wary of an attack if you are in its line of sight. Wild boar will charge at you or your dogs when they feel threatened. 


Wild boar squeals can communicate excitement or distress. Squeals are associated with piglets, and it is often to express distress, which raises the protective instinct of both boars and sows. Squealing noises are effective when hunting in piglet season.


Grunts are a popular way to lure wild boars to your hunting zone. Wild boars will use grunts when feeding, and to mimic these sounds will appeal to boars feeding instincts. Generally, after distress calls, grunts are the second-best way to get the attention of a wild boar. 

Wild boars are companionable animals that will spend their life with other members of the same species. It is common to see wild boars in groups of two or more as they like to be a unit. Grunting is a typical way of wild boar communication. Feral pigs use grunts to communicate the following information.

Warning Grunt

Wild boars use grunts to communicate a warning when there is impending danger towards its unit. When members of a unit hear a warning grunt, they can respond by fleeing or confronting the threat. 

Grunts While Foraging

Wild boars are enthusiastic feeders that frequently grunt during foraging sessions.  The grunts are also an invitation to other boars to join the feeding frenzy, especially if it discovers a feeding stash. The sound is usually a low and continuous grunt giddy, with some bit of squeal. 

Social Grunts

There is no way of telling what a grunt may indicate. Sometimes it is just a simple way for a wild boar to pass greetings to another member in the unit. 

How Do You Make Wild Boar Sounds?

There are two ways to make wild boar sounds while hunting. Depending on your preference and experience, both methods can have tremendous success. They include.

Electronic Caller

There are many reasons why you should consider an electronic caller when using wild boar vocalizations on the hunt. Electronic callers are portable, accurate, and the more practical option of the two methods.  They have more chances of success, and wild boars will generally respond faster. 

Electronic hog calls mimic real wild boar sounds and are actual recordings of pigs in their natural habitat. They are easy to use and do not need you to commit when using it. Once you press play, you can lay in wait as your hands are free to make a shot should a boar take the cue and head your direction. 

Mouth-blown Callers. 

Not so many hunters can claim success when using a mouth-blown caller. To the inexperienced hunter, using a mouth-blown caller is not as straightforward compared to the expert hunter. With such odds, the electronic caller has the advantage of accuracy mimic that eventually leads to success. 

The problem with mouth-blown callers is that they can sometimes resemble sounds made by other animals. It is not clear a mouth-blown caller will redirect wild boar to your hunting zone. In some cases, it might achieve the opposite and instead drive hogs away from you. 

Wild Boar Calling Tips

Scout from a Safe Distance. 

Wild boars have a keen sense of smell, and some distance between the boar and yourself to prevent it from catching your scent. Always try to be downwind when scouting for wild boars before calling them. 

However, it would be best if you had the wind to carry the sound of the call. Keeping within proximity should help wild boar receive your call when against the wind. 

Let the Wild Boar Come to a Standstill. 

To get a wild boar’s attention, you should let it stop first and not make calls while it’s moving. Wild boars are more attentive when they are still. 

Make Short Burst Calls

There is no ideal way to make the calls but making incessant calls will not work. A better option is to make short burst calls of thirty seconds between rest. The call timing must not be exactly 30 seconds, but it is a way that can help your wild boar calls sound natural and avoid raising curiosity. 

When using an electronic caller, try to find high-quality recordings that have natural pauses. You can record and pause most wild boar sounds manually. However, remember to preview the calls before going hunting.


Wild boar sounds can carry lots of different information. These sounds also communicate the state of the wild boar, sometimes excitement, and sometimes panic. Whatever the sound a wild boar makes, it is often towards the social well-being of a unit. 

However, not all sounds are aimed toward other wild boars. For this reason, successful hunters have used different animal sounds to lure wild boar. Because feral hogs are also predators, mimicking sounds of potential prey attracts wild boars. Not so many can respond to coyote calls, but if you encounter a territorial wild boar, it may just come out to defend its turf.